I’ve heard this question asked to me recently…How do you accomplish your dreams when they seem so big, and many times feel too overwhelming to accomplish?My answer? One day at a time. At times when your dream seems so much greater than you, you’ve got to take a step back and begin to learn the art of living one day at a time, even when you are planning for the future. Living in the moment is truly a present. So if your future goal seems way too grand, shift your focus on today. I can remember times in my life where things appeared so overwhelming to me that I could not even focus on the day, but rather could only focus on one hour at a time. It truly is your own journey and never feel guilty or like a failure if the big picture doesn’t always come easy to you. Sometimes life just calls you to live right where you’re at. I’ve heard it said that “If you look down at your feet that is exactly where you are supposed to be right now.” So no matter what your dream, no matter how big it is, no matter how overwhelming it may feel sometimes, it’s completely ok to simplify it all and just take it one day at a time.
